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Ratified August 13, 2019

Our governance documents have
been updated to be consistent with
ISS governance.  

President's Message

ASAP officers and Pres Hunter 2019 Krako

​The Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence (ASAP), founded in 2008, is devoted to advancing safe affordable surgery and anesthesia care when needed for the majority of the world’s population who can’t access it today. We are the only global surgery organization that unites concerned clinicians from different fields and at all stages of their careers, throughout studentship, traineeship and specialist practice. We use these lateral and longitudinal networks to foster inspiration, mentoring, advice and peer support, and create the future generations of global surgery leaders.

The commitment to global surgery by the International Society of Surgery’s executive has enabled such community among today’s and tomorrow’s practitioners. As its integrated society specifically for the community interested in global surgery, ASAP is embracing the ISS-SIC’s decision to offer membership for anesthesiologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, and specialist theatre staff, and now to medical students and residents.


With our origins in the Global Burden of Surgical Disease Working Group, and through our members’ participation in the 3rd Edition of the Disease Control Priorities, the Lancet Commission, several WHO Resolutions, and the G4 Alliance, ASAP retains its commitment to science and research-based improvement. In the past two years we have supported global surgery conferences with the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) in Kigali, Rwanda, and the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, USA. And of the ASAP scientific program at this year’s World Congress of Surgery in Krakow, more than half of the invited speakers came from low-income and middle-income countries.


I must congratulate our immediate past president, Kathleen Casey, on these achievements, and a program that showcased the rich ecosystem of global surgery including experts in surgery, anesthesia, obstetrics and trauma, education and training, financing and surgical systems, public health and real life implementation stories. Kathleen has also secured a firm foundation for ASAP, through countless weeks revising the ASAP constitution, working on membership reform, and negotiating partnerships with societies such as the Association of Women Surgeons, the International Association of Student Surgical Societies, and the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery.


In the next two years we will continue to support the essential role of surgery in Universal Health Coverage by growing our membership, building our networks and our community, and fostering the relationships that are so special in global surgery, between different specialties, people in different countries, and people at different ends of their careers.


Prof Russell Gruen

President, ASAP

Canberra, Australia

Get Engaged in ASAP

Reach out to us if you are interested in serving on the ASAP Board or a committee. Current needs: ASAP Communications and Membership Committees.
Contact us at

Host an ASAP Meeting

Universities, colleges and professional societies have successfully hosted ASAP meetings since 2008. If your institution is interested in hosting a future Annual ASAP meeting, send an email request to

Members can log in directly to the ISS Website here.

The Global Surgery Foundation

​The GSF targets multiple aspects of the surgical care system, including research and evaluation; education and training; planning and policy development; equipment and infrastructure procurement – with the under-pinning of a Global Surgery Fund to provide innovative and sustainable financial solutions.

Launched January 2020

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