There shall be four (4) standing and ad hoc (as needed) committees/subcommittees of the association. Composition of the committees is as follows:
Executive Committee
The five (5) Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of ASAP, with the Editor-in-Chief of the World Journal of Surgery (WJS) as a permanent invited guest. The Executive Committee conducts the affairs of the Society and decides on all matters not expressly assigned to the General Assembly or another specific body. The President shall serve as Chair of the ASAP Executive Committee.
a) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to call and convene its own meetings, delegate changes, responsibilities and duties among its members, and is authorized to assign or otherwise act on behalf of the Society. The Executive Committee may create special vessels for raising funds for specific objectives of the Society. As a rule, the Executive Committee convenes once per year in person. All other deliberations may be held and decisions validly made by telephone, video-conference or electronic means.
b) The deliberations of the Executive Committee are valid if more than half of its members are present at a meeting held in person or participating by written resolution. Decisions shall be made by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members present. If the votes are equal, the President casts the deciding vote.
​Membership Committee
Following the protocols outlined in Bylaws Article I.1, this committee will review nominations for membership, make recommendations to the Executive Committee and communicate with ISS staff. The full slate of new members will be presented biennially at the ASAP General Assembly to the general membership for recognition. In addition, the charge of this committee is to make recommendations regarding recruitment of new members and retention of existing members, so as to grow the Society.
The Secretary of ASAP shall serve on this committee, and is eligible to serve in the capacity of Chair if indicated.
​Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is charged with presenting names of qualified ASAP members for unfilled Officer and Board positions. Its members include the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) members from the Board. The Chair can propose up to two (2) other active ASAP members as committee members to the Executive Committee for approval.
Nominations will be accepted up to three months ahead of the biennial meeting by means of self-nomination, an active member responding to a call for nominations, or from a member of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee will review nominations for new Officers and Board Members, and present a slate to the Executive Committee to put before the membership for approval during the biennial General Assembly meeting.
​Program Committee
The Program Committee has oversight with regard to the scientific program of the biennial meeting held in conjunction with
WSS, as well as the program held in alternating years as a stand-alone ASAP function. This committee is comprised of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, and the ASAP representative to WJS. The committee Chair can propose up to three (3) other active ASAP members as committee members to the Executive Committee for approval. Local representation to the Program Committee shall be prioritized for each meeting venue. The President-Elect shall serve as Chair.
​International Committee
The International Committee shall ensure appropriate representation and participation of ASAP members from geographically and economically diverse regions at ASAP meetings and related events as well as in ASAP governance. This Committee will play a role in directing funds towards travel subsidies and awards to accomplish these goals. This committee is comprised of the Immediate Past President, three (3) members of the Board, and up to three (3) other active ASAP members who may be appointed by the committee Chair.
​Ad Hoc Committee(s)/Sub-Committees
Ad Hoc committees and sub-committees can be created as needed to facilitate a specific activity of ASAP. The Executive Committee will appoint the chair of an ad hoc committee or sub-committee. The Chair of an ad hoc committee or sub-committee will propose the other members of the committee, who must be active members of ASAP, to the Executive Committee for approval. The decision to terminate the activity of an ad hoc committee or sub-committee must be approved by a majority of those present at the biennial meeting. The members of ad hoc committees/ subcommittees shall serve no more than two (2) year terms, unless renewed at the biennial Executive Committee meeting for an additional two (2) year term.